Lavinia “Vinnie” Brooks


Type of Donation:          Heart recipient

Age and Location:          Age 57– Los Angeles, CA

Donation Date:                January 12, 2015

Sponsor:                              Honored by OneLegacy




It was in 1999 that Lavinia “Vinnie” Brooks was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy.  She really did not think much of it. She was very busy pursuing her career as a fashion designer. She was very active in her church and a single mother to two young boys.  She had her whole life ahead of her; or so she thought.

Unfortunately, the disease progressed, and in 2004, she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. That’s when her life spiraled into a pandemic of constant hospital visits, due to shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, swelling, dizziness and fatigue.  She started having chest pains and severe side effects from the medications that were prescribed to her. She was unable to work and support her family, which made life very difficult for her and her children.

In 2010, Lavinia developed supraventricular tachycardia, and she received a defibrillator pacemaker implant to regulate her heart rate, and to resuscitate her in the event that her heart stopped.

In 2014, her condition became critical when she began to pass out from lack of blood flow to her brain, because of her extremely weak heart.  It happened several times; and on the third time, she was told by the doctors that she was too sick to leave the hospital, and that she would need a new heart. That was the year that she was placed on the transplant list.

Vinnie waited in the ICU at Keck USC Hospital for 6 months and 23 days.  Some days were good, some days were bad, and some days were terrifying. Every day she would lay in bed, not knowing if tomorrow was promised to her.  She was also very concerned about her potential donor and their family, who would be grieving the loss of a loved one.

On January 12, 2015, Vinnie received a new heart. She is forever grateful to her donor and donor family for receiving a second chance at life.  She is now able to continue her career, spend time with her children and grandchildren, and inspire others to become organ, eye and tissue donors through her volunteer work as a OneLegacy Ambassador.