Craig Owens


Type of Donation:             Organ donor

Age and Location:             Age 43 – St. Stephen, SC

Donation Date:                 January 8, 2019

Sponsor:                               Honored by Bridge to Life in partnership with We Are Sharing Hope SC





Craig Owens was a dedicated, loving and devoted son, father and husband.  He lived his life the best way he knew how and was employed at Santee Cooper power company until his retirement. Craig’s friends and family describe him as a caring person who would do anything for anyone he met. He would give his absolute best in everything he did. Despite being a giant in stature, he had a soft-spoken voice and a kindred spirit.

Craig’s passion was through his love for video games. He became a dedicated master of gaming in his retirement. He loved all things technological and had a passion for the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys were a true part of his heart and personality.

Craig’s health became a concern over the recent years. His battle with blood pressure and diabetes was something he lived with daily, but he worked hard to try and overcome.  He had good and bad days, but Craig never let his health issues stop his dedication to his family and friends.

Craig’s death came as a shock to his family. On January 6, 2019 Craig became suddenly ill. A normal day turned into what his loved ones describe as a nightmare. He fought his best and hardest to recover. On January 8, 2019 Craig answered the master’s call and gained his wings at age 43. He left behind a loving family that was not ready to see him go. Craig’s family has found solace in knowing that he lives on through his gift of life.

Craig’s friends and family are thankful to know that he is a donor hero and was able to contribute to the life of others. The Owens Family is eternally grateful for the continued support and prayers they have received in honor of Craig, his life, and legacy.