2019 Cindricka Arrington


Name:                                    Cindricka Arrington

Type of Donation:             Tissue Recipient

Age and Location:             Age 40 – Greenville, MS

Transplant Date:                 4/18/2018

Sponsor:                               Honored by Medtronic





Working as a Project Manager, Cindricka drives growth and sustaining projects from concept to implementation.  On many occasions, she speaks on behalf of the project management industry to help those early in their career.  Frequently, she volunteers in Western Tennessee and Northern Mississippi in support of youth and the local community.  In May of 2015, waking up paralyzed on her left side, Cindricka was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy and referred to a spine surgeon.  Her first Cervical disc surgery occurred in June 2015 to repair a herniated disc at C3-C4 and re-establish nerve and spinal fluid activity.  For a little over two years, Cindricka experienced little pain and healed well.

By August 2017, she was periodically losing strength in her left hand and even dropping simple items such as cups and pens.  After a thorough exam by a neurologist, she was instructed to work on strengthening her left hand with certain exercises, and that her neuropathy was improving.  Four months later, she began to experience tinging and pulsating pain in her left arm and subsequently required pain medication to cope.  Following several events of excruciating pain in her left arm and multiple professional opinions, she was diagnosed with Cervical radiculopathy and scheduled for emergency surgery in April 2018.  During her surgery, she received a bone graft made from donor tissue to help fuse her vertebrae and eliminate her pain.

Through the kindness of tissue donation and the transformation of the gift by Medtronic, Cindricka is living a normal life again and excited to promote organ and tissue donation to all.