Samuel Lee Becker

Samuel Lee Becker


Type of Donation:          tissue and corneas

Age and Location:          Age 21 – Rochester, MN

Donation Date:             2/18/2016

Sponsor:                   Honored by Xtant Medical




Samuel Lee Becker is forever a giver. Sam gave freely and frequently and had every intention of making the world a better place for everyone. Sam gave his time, money, smile, humor, compassion, empathy, and ultimately, himself.

In the Fall of 2012, as Sam began his college career, a new challenge emerged unforeseen by anyone – he was diagnosed with anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In the ensuing years, Sam was an exemplary patient, doing all that was asked of him by his care team. Sadly, after a courageous three-year battle, Sam died by suicide on February 17, 2016. His family was in shock, trying to process the magnitude of their new reality when the call came regarding organ donation.

It was the most painful and yet the easiest decision for his loved ones to make, but one they didn’t have to give a second thought—Sam had already provided the answer years in advance. You see, when Sam was in middle school, he had written a paper about the impact of organ donation. Even as a young person he was passionate about how one could continue to help others even in death. In the years since his passing his family has learned that through bone and tissue donation, a part of Samuel Lee Becker lives on in 109 recipients.

Sam left his family a note and closed it by saying, “Make Me Proud,” and while they continue to live their lives with that in mind, nothing compares to the pride they feel for Sam’s generous contribution to his 109 recipients and to the world as a whole. Even humble Sam would be proud of himself.