2017 Katie Lynn Tonks

08_katie-lynn-tonks_jjs-legacyKATIE LYNN TONKS

Organ Donor

Age 24 ~ Pocatello, Idaho

Donated on 9/1/2013

at Portneuf Medical Center

Honored by jjslegacy.org

Katie Lynn Tonks was full of life. In spite of enduring grand mal seizures her entire life, she loved and enjoyed giving to others and was working towards her education, hoping to meet a companion and anticipated having a family. Katie’s last selfless act was to give her organs so others could live. Although her body is gone, her spirit continues to live on. Our eyes are the windows to our souls. To look into the eyes of Katie’s organ recipients is to see life and happiness; a legacy to a young lady who had much to give.

Katie’s Story

Diagnosed with epilepsy at age 12, Katie suffered with grand mal seizures her entire life. In spite of this terrible illness, she was full of life, happy and willing to endure her affliction. She knew that her Heavenly Father was there for her at all times and she must be patient and long suffering and because of this all things would work out for her well.

Katie was a pretty blonde with a wide smile and radiant blue eyes. She was beginning to enter the prime of her life–working towards her education, hoping to meet a companion to spend her life with, and anticipating having a family. In her mind, these were just normal things a person her age should look forward to with excitement and anticipation.

Katie very much enjoyed being with family and friends. She loved and enjoyed giving to others and loved seeing others’ reactions to her gifts she had given.

At age 24, she was taken home to the God who had given her life. Katie’s last selfless act was to give her organs so others could live. Although her body is gone, her spirit continues to live on. Our eyes are the windows to our souls. To look into the eyes of Katie’s organ recipients is to see life and happiness; a legacy to a young lady who had much to give.