2017 Gary Lewis

gary-lewis_cryolifeGARY L. LEWIS

Organ Recipient

Age 66 ~ Buffalo, New York

Quality Professional

Honored by CryoLife at cryolife.com
Gary’s journey began in the spring of 2014, when he noticed health issues and had multiple procedures on the heart. Husband, father, grandfather, and US Navy Vietnam-era Veteran, Gary was given a second chance at life thanks to a young man who chose to donate his organs. On November 17, Gary had his third open heart surgery and received an allograft aorta heart valve and 1 ½ of his donor’s aorta. He experienced a fast recovery thanks to the miracle, the grace of God, everyone’s prayers, a professional, caring staff, and his Heart Angel’s special gift. Gary returned to his career and has become an organ donor along with his wife to return the gift of life.

Gary’s Story

Quality Professional 44 years

U.S. Navy Vietnam-era Veteran (1968-1972)

Husband, Father of 2 sons, 2 daughters-in-law and 4 grandkids

Active Fisherman, Golfer, Ballroom Dancing, Woodworking, Age 66

Allograft Aortic Valve Recipient

I have been married to my best friend and wife, Judie Lewis, for over 43 yrs. I was born and raised in Buffalo, New York. My career brought us to the Southeast where I graduated from the University of Alabama. I have been in the Quality Assurance business for over 44 years for corporations such as Fisher Price Toys, Johnson and Johnson, Amoco Polymers, Club Car golf cars and now Morgan Advanced Materials. I have learned over the years that “Quality is based on Performance and not just a Promise”. I experienced this first hand by the professional and exceptional quality service provided by Dr. Edward Chen, CryoLife, MTN and Emory Hospital in Atlanta, Ga. Each of them did their job right the first time and had a passion for excellence; otherwise I would not be here.   I was given a 2nd chance at life because a young man volunteered to donate his organs. I’m sure it was a difficult decision for his family, but they fulfilled his wishes and I am proud to say I am the recipient of his wonderful gift. If it wasn’t for my “Heart Angel, Daniel” I would not be here.

My journey started the spring of 2014 – I started to notice that even walking a short distance would cause me to have to stop and rest. I was getting short of breath, but thinking it was my allergies acting up, I delayed going to my family doctor. I finally went and as the nurse ran the EKG, her face went from a pretty smile to panic. She ran to get the doctor.

During the next several months, I had multiple procedures on my heart. On November 17, I had my third open heart surgery and I received an allograft aorta heart valve and 1 ½” of my donor’s aorta.

When I woke up in recovery I knew something was very different. Having experienced open heart surgery twice before, I knew this time was special and I felt it.

It is truly a miracle by the grace of God, everyone’s prayers, professional caring staff and mostly my Heart Angel’s special gift. I had a fast recovery; back to normal with no side effects. I went back to work December 29, 2014. I take fewer pills than I have in twenty years and I feel twenty years younger. I truly have been blessed by God and my “heart angel”, Daniel. I pray every evening for Daniel and his family and thank them for their son’s special gift.

My wife and I are organ donors and encourage others to do the same. I am living proof that the gift of organ donation can make a life and death difference. You too can be an angel by being an organ donor, because life is the best gift you can give someone.