2017 Barbara Breckenridge

unyts_barbara-breckenridgeBARBARA BRECKENRIDGE

Kidney Recipient

Age 73 ~ Buffalo, NY

Executive Director of the Kidney Foundation of WNY

Honored by Unyts at unyts.org

Barbara Breckenridge was diagnosed with a kidney disease in 1993. After three years of seeing a Nephrologist, watching her diet, exercising, and much prayer with the hopes of not ever having to receive dialysis treatments, on January 2, 1996 she started hemodialysis which she thought was her death sentence. After an entire year of denial, depression, frustration and fear, she met someone who was living with a successful kidney transplant. Having received this incredible blessing has allowed Barb to be a blessing to many others in her community that are dealing with renal disease. Barb now serves as the Executive Director of the Kidney Foundation of WNY which is dedicated to increasing community awareness of kidney disease while educating, supporting, and advocating for those they serve. Barb works tirelessly in the community, providing education on kidney diseases and prevention.

Barbara’s Story

Barbara Breckenridge was diagnosed with kidney disease in 1993. After three years of seeing the Nephrologist, watching her diet, exercising and much prayer with the hopes of not ever having to receive dialysis treatments, on January 2, 1996 she started hemodialysis which she thought was her death sentence. After an entire year of denial, depression, frustration and fear, she met someone who was living with a successful kidney transplant. Her whole outlook on life changed. Barb went on the transplant list, and after two and a half years, she received a lifesaving kidney transplant on July 31, 1999.   It was then that her whole life was changed forever. Having received this incredible blessing has allowed Barb to be a blessing to many others in her community that are dealing with renal disease.

Barb now serves as the Executive Director of the Kidney Foundation of WNY which is dedicated to increasing community awareness of kidney disease while educating, supporting, and advocating for those they serve. Barb works tirelessly in the community, providing education on kidney diseases and prevention. She provides peer counseling for dialysis patients, transplant patients and their families, and also facilitates a kidney support group at Erie County Medical Center.

She has received several awards, including the St. Joseph the Worker award from the Diocese of Buffalo, Andy Mills Community Service award from St. Martin De Porres Church, The Gift of Life award from the National Kidney Foundation, Volunteer of the Year award from Unyts, the NAACP Rufus Frasier Human Relations Award, and Women of Distinction Award from the Girl Scouts of America.

Barb has participated in many US and World Transplant games and has won approximately 40 medals in track and field events.