2016 Tom Zech

Tom Zech_SCI Dignity MemorialTOM ZECH

Organ, Tissue, and Cornea Donor

Age 54 ~ Huntington Beach, CA

Donated on 09/28/2013

at Fountain Valley regional Medical Center

Honored by dignitymemorial.com

Tom was very family oriented, hardworking, and always willing to help and give to those in need. His passions in life were camping, dirt bike riding, fishing, and helping others.  Tom’s relationship with organ donation began in 1998 when his brother-in-law, Elliott, became the recipient of a transplant. Through this experience, he began actively advocating for organ donation.  At age 54, Tom was able to give the most unselfish gifts to individuals in need. He was able to donate his heart, tissue, kidneys and liver. His corneas and one of his lungs were also donated to research. This experience has been both bittersweet and difficult for his family but in the end, very rewarding.

Tom’s Story

Tom’s relationship with organ donation began in 1998 when his brother-in-law, Elliott, became the recipient of a transplant. He became involved in an event called “A Ride Across America” to help raise awareness of the importance of life through organ donation.

At age 54, Tom was able to give the most unselfish gifts to individuals in need. He was able to donate his heart, tissue, kidneys and liver; helping 46 people so far with just his tissue donation. Tom’s corneas and one of his lungs was also donated to research.

At first, this experience was bittersweet and difficult for his family to accept, but very rewarding knowing that by Tom’s selfless act, he was able to help those in need.

Tom was very family oriented, hard working, and always willing to help and give to those in need. His passions in life were camping, dirt bike riding, fishing, and helping others.

My family is truly blessed knowing that because of Tom, others have the gift of life.