2016 Ian Heidemann

Ian Heidemann CryolifeIAN HEIDEMANN

Organ, Tissue, and Hand Donor

Age 22 ~ Fort Worth, TX

Donated on 02/14/2005

at JPS Hospital

Honored by cryolife.com

Ian Heidemann had an adventurous spirit, wonderful smile, never judged others, often accepted people into his group of friends if they were alone, and was always down to do something for others. His motto might have been “What’s the plan? Let’s do it!”  Ian passed away near his family home and became the donor of his right hand, both kidneys, his heart, both lungs, his pancreas, liver, both corneas and countless tissue.   Ian’s family hopes that if others could see donation through their eyes, people wouldn’t hesitate to register and tell others about the wonderful gifts that one decision can make possible.

Ian’s Story

Ian Heidemann had an adventurous spirit, wonderful smile and never judged others; his family often heard this from those who had met him.  He’d accept people into his group of friends if they were alone and was always down to do something for others, like attend their birthday when others might avoid it. Ian would often be pictured with his arms around someone, smiling as if to say “I got you” or “We’re in this together.”  After registering to be an organ and tissue donor, he proudly stated, “You never know, it may help someone someday.”  Ian’s family moved a lot, but he’d still contact his friends on important days, like before they went to the army or before getting married; he truly cared for them.  He was very sweet, known for his huge hugs or constant kisses.  His little motor was always running, spawning many adventures, often getting hurt. He broke his leg on a swing set, his arm falling from a moving van, and another arm jumping off scaffolding.  He was the leader of the pack, usually late while his friends were waiting.  When he arrived, he’d say “What’s the plan? Let’s do it!”

He died near the family home, out on another adventure with his best friend, Bryant, and older brother Bob.  While Ian was on life support, his family was able to spend their last days with him in peace, with pride, and be able to let go with the knowledge that he was an organ and tissue donor. His family has met most of Ian’s recipients and it gives them strength seeing his gifts helping others as he’d wanted.  Ian’s right hand went to a corn farmer who lost his own nine years ago, a three year old boy received one kidney, a man received his heart, another man received both lungs, a woman received his kidney and pancreas, another woman his liver, two people received his corneas and countless tissue, including two vascular implants, one for a man and another for a woman.

It is hard for the family to put their son’s recipients’ amazing stories into words.  Their hope is that if others could see organ donation through their eyes, people wouldn’t hesitate to register and tell others about the wonderful gifts that one decision can make possible.