Ivan Sandoval

Ivan Sandoval


Type of Donation:          organs and tissue

Age and Location:          Age 5 – Anaheim, CA

Donation Date:             6/07/2017

Sponsor:                   Honored by OneLegacy




Ivan was a handsome baby boy born February 7, 2016. He came into this world with his big dimples and blue eyes. His family knew he was special, but they didn’t know he would change their lives forever. He was a little “boss baby” because had this special talent where he could get almost anyone to do or give him exactly what he wanted. His famous saying was “I just want to be happy” and that’s what everyone wanted him to be. He had a big spunky personality that attracted people to him and was friends with everyone that ever met him. He loved being outside running wild, playing in the dirt, and getting dirty.

Ivan loved his iPad and loved downloading every game you could imagine. He even somehow knew how to play each game like a pro. Ivan has two big sisters who he absolutely adored. He loved making TikTok videos with them, building Legos with them, and just annoying them. Some of Ivan’s favorite snacks included M&M’s, Barbecue Lays chips, and especially Coca-Cola. On June 7, 2021, the spunky, funny, loving boy was in a terrible accident. This left a hard decision for his family to make. As a family they choose to not allow this tragedy to be meaningless. They decided to give others the chance to continue living through him. Ivan was able to directly donate his right kidney, left kidney, and liver. He was also a tissue donor. His family says, “It’s a great feeling knowing that our angel is still living on. His story is not yet over, and we will continue to share it. Ivan is now our little superhero Hulk forever!”