media center

March with us as Team Donate Life volunteers bring "Life Transformed" and Kodak's "Magic of the Movies" to life. In between decorating shifts, several special events capture the magic of the Rose Parade experience. December 30 and January 2 photography by Scott Weersing

June 2005 - Float under construction
7/23/05 - Float road test

12/3/05 - Bakersfield Day
12/10/05 - Orange County Day
12/17/05 - Inland Empire Day
12/26/05, 1st shift - Featuring OneLegacy Family Services and donor families
12/26/05, 1st shift (cont'd) and 2nd shift - Featuring OneLegacy Family Services, donor families and other volunteers
12/27/05, 1st shift - Featuring UCLA Healthcare
12/27/05, 2nd shift - Featuring members of Southern California's Asian community
12/28/05, 1st shift - Featuring TRIO Ventura County/West Valley
12/28/05, 2nd shift - Featuring St. Joseph Hospital and Sav-on/Friends of Hugo
12/29/05, 1st shift - Featuring Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
12/29/05, 2nd shift - Featuring OneLegacy Family Services and donor families
12/30/05, 1st shift - Float Riders/Official Partners Media Day
12/30/05, 2nd shift - Featuring Loma Linda University Medical Center
12/31/05 - Family Circle Garden rose placement
12/31/05 - The final day of decorating!

10/29/05 - Parade Participants Photo Day
12/30/05 - Float Riders/Partners Reception - Photography by Scott Weersing
1/1/06 - Float Judging

1/2/06 - Pre-Parade - Photography by Scott Weersing
1/2/06 - 117th Rose Parade - Photography by Scott Weersing
1/2/06 - Post-Parade at the Castle Green - Photography by Scott Weersing
1/3/06 - Post-Parade Float Viewing at Victory Park