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Organ Donor
Age 16 ~ Gonzales, LA
Date of Donation: 6/19/01
Hospital: Our Lady of the Lake

Honored by Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency

Sixteen-year-old Alexis Cole Porta was an honor student who played the piano, danced and belonged to several school clubs and sports teams. On June 18, 2001, Alexis suffered a massive rupture of a cerebral aneurysm. Alexis loved life, and even though she never discussed organ donation, her parents knew that she would want to give the gift of life to others. Her organs and corneas gave new life to more than seven people.

Alexis’ parents decided that the best way to celebrate her life was to inspire others to donate life. Every year on the Saturday after Easter, her family and friends hold Alexis’ Angel Sale, where they sell crafts, plants and garage sale items as well as plates of jambalaya, with proceeds supporting Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency’s Family Services Program and Community Outreach.