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Organ and Eye Donor
Age 26 ~ Lexington, KY
Date of Donation: 11/21/99
Hospital: Wake Forest Medical Center

Honored by OneLegacy and Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates

Paul Hickey was 26 when he died from an automobile accident the weekend before Thanksgiving 1999. His parents knew he wanted to be an organ donor because they had discussed it when he was a teenager. “Paul was such a loving and giving young man that it was only fitting that he would want to give of himself,” said his mother Sandra. Paul donated five organs. His heart recipient is Pastor Larry McEntire of Randleman, N.C., who lights a special candle each year in memory of Paul. In 2001, Sandra donated a kidney to a friend. She now represents donor families on the Kentucky Donor Family Council and serves on the Board of Directors of Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates.