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Liver recipient
Age 33 ~ Burbank, CA
Customer service, City of Burbank

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Cedars-Sinai Comprehensive Transplant Center

Monica O’Brien was 19 when she was diagnosed with Hepatitis C. For two more years, she was still able to work and attend college part time, then married and safely delivered a beautiful baby boy, Charlie. In April 1999, a liver transplant from a living donor would her best treatment option. In 2000, Monica’s aunt Susan Dinovo donated 60 percent of her liver. Two years later, however, a medical procedure resulted in complications, and a subsequent emergency “bridge” transplant kept her alive for nine months before she finally received a healthy liver from a deceased donor. She recently celebrated the arrival of Charlie’s little sister, Meaghan Jeannette, in July 2010.

Monica's Story

Monica O’Brien was 19 when, after seeing 22 doctors, she was finally diagnosed with Hepatitis C, “the elusive disease that had zapped my energy.” For two more years, she was still able to work and attend college part-time. She married and safely delivered a beautiful baby boy, Charlie.

Shortly after Charlie’s birth, Monica began Interferon treatment for the diseases. In April 1999, it became clear that liver transplant from a living donor would be her best chance for survival.

“The willingness of my family to help was overwhelming,” she said. “First, my sister Cassell stepped up to donate, and then my cousin Ryan Sheade. After months of testing, my aunt Susan Dinovo was able to donate 60 percent of her liver to me. The transplant took place in September 2000, and it was a success.”

After recovery, Monica entered treatment again for the Hepatitis C; by mid-2004 it was gone. “We had finally won,” she thought.

However, two years later, she underwent a medical procedure that resulted in complications, and she needed an emergency transplant to survive, this time from a deceased donor. A “bridge” transplant kept her alive for the nine months until she finally received compatible liver from a deceased donor in November 2006.

Despite all she has endured, Monica has been busy living her life. She is remarried to her best friend, Michael. The family recently celebrated the arrival of Charlie’s little sister, Meaghan Jeannette, in July 2010. Now 33, Monica is back in college, working on a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration, and volunteers her time as a Donate Life Ambassador.

“My prize for all this?” she queried. “I get to drive to work every day in my custom 1962 Ford Sunliner, top down and music on, AND I get to ride on the Donate Life Rose Parade Float. What could be better?”